Powering the
Connected Last Mile
Delivering the future of sustainable
digital infrastructure
Investor, Owner and Operator
Ubiquity’s unique skills, investment capabilities and experience accelerates development of new digital infrastructure
+ years
Combined experience managing digital infrastructure
+ markets
Current Smart City, Smart Building or Edge Locations
Digital infrastructure active deployments and pipeline
Ubiquity’s Last-Mile Ecosystem

Competitive Positioning
Our high-quality fiber assets create sustainable barriers to entry and a compelling investment opportunity
Future-proof tech +
open access design
- Low risk of technological obsolescence as fiber optics move data at the speed of light
- Higher bandwidth than competing technologies and symmetrical upload/download speeds
- Open access network design maximizes cash flow and deters competition
- Utility-like importance to subscribers across Ubiquity’s suburban and urban markets
- Work from home, remote education, gaming, IoT, etc. drive need for gigabit-speed internet
- Crucial to commercial customers: Carriers, data centers, municipalities, E-Rate, etc.
- Open-access infrastructure strategically defends attractive markets; owned ISP FiberFirst supports speed-to-market
- 5+ years to build relationships with municipalities, establish backhaul, develop network infrastructure, initiate customer service
of scale
- Growing footprint leads to greater operating leverage for backhaul and services OpEx
- Ubiquity can secure discounts with construction contractors, equipment vendors and other suppliers
- Larger platform and branding leads to more efficient customer acquisition and installations
Stable, recurring
earnings base
- Ubiquity’s new, reliable fiber networks result in high customer satisfaction and low churn
- Fiber customers are highly sticky– almost all churn is due to residents moving away, and they are rapidly replaced
- Billing creates visible and stable earnings with >90% of forecasted revenue recurring
- Regulatory restrictions, complex local permitting and existing Ubiquity position make replicating network extremely challenging
- Typically takes 6-12 months to get regulatory entitlements at both state and city level
- States require a certificate to build in the public RoW